13-Month Transformational Journey
7 Month Apprenticeship Program
~ If you are sincerely called to this journey and would like to meet one-on-one, you are welcome to book a free 20 minute discovery call with Juliet ~
Discover the depths of the feminine through releasing the patriarchal masculine, and receiving the divine masculine. Open to the depths of her through meeting the depths of him. She is radiant joy of being, ground of love, power of creation, pure passion and beauty, transformation and awakening, force of nature, depths of wisdom and knowing. Awaken to the feminine as the true movement of life through you, and a journey of embodying your divinity. This shall be a continuous deepening into Her throughout the program, as we unravel the layers of patriarchal imprinting and conditioning.
Soften and surrender your body into the divine temple of the earth body nourishing you. Through this honoring meeting with your body, soften body judgments and comparison creating tension and tightness around your heart and womb. Meet the deep inner parts of your humanity that push life down, that contract into hardness and disconnection. Soften your body, love yourself deeply and surrender into coming home to Her.
Expand into the aliveness of the earth pulsating through your body, the caress of the fresh air breathing you, the sensual waters of life undulating in your pelvis, and the sun lighting the fire rippling up your spine. Meet the parts of yourself that have been closed to life and surrender into the opening of life flowing through you. Welcome life as an embodied prayer, being fully alive in this body.
Create embodied awareness of how the feminine has been shaped and conditioned by the collective. And the way in which your feminine essence has been conditioned by culture and religion as well as your personal life story and ancestral imprinting. Unravel these layers of conditioning and imprints of masculine and feminine. Receive the gifts of your life story and family of origin. Awaken direct connection into the truth of the masculine and feminine. Open to where your feminine essence and life shall blossom through your being.
Heal the places that have been numbed or closed deep within your womb holding ancestral memory or the consciousness from past intimate relating and collective feminine wounds. Experience your yoni as a divine flower, honoring her as a gateway connecting you with the aliveness and mystery of Her deep wisdom. Listen to Her whispers guiding you home into the depths of your feminine essence. Come home into the feminine, the womb of creation, rest into the depth of your wisdom and knowing. Listen to Her.
Integrate the split between power and love, divine and density, heart and belly through the Eve and Lilith (virgin and harlot) myth. Release archetypal patterns where you have used or withheld your feminine power and sexual essence. See if you hold yourself as virtuous. Meet how committed you are to yourself. Bring awareness to your fantasies of love relationship. See how you have misused your innocence to get what you want. Humble self righteousness and ways in which you have put yourself above others. Uncover the competitiveness, suspicion, judgments and betrayals between women and heal these hurts to form true sisterhood.
Deepen into the embodiment of the gifts of Lilith and Eve. Awaken the pure innocence and wonderment in your heart to love and be loved and the erotic innocence in your belly to be in pleasure and rapture. Open your heart into deep vulnerability and nakedness, allow your heart to soften where the protection melts open into love. Transform emotional story into deep heart body feeling. Feel the Flame of Love dancing within you as pure passion. Awaken your Heart’s Longing and let your longing open and take you ever deeper into the Flame of Love, within your true essence as woman.
Experience your sexual essence, as the power of life. See how you have closed due to the fear of the power of creation. Fully embody the sacred rage of the feminine with presence, awakening into the fire of your power. Fill your body and being with your own energy and root into Her formulating healthy boundaries. Open your sexual essence into the healing power of life and the flame of transformation and truth. Release the misuse of power, which is a collective unconscious patterning within the world from patriarchy. Transform unconscious movements of desire and anger. Embody the pure power of the feminine, which does not move to manipulate, seduce or control, which does not go into reactive dynamics. Humble your heart to the ground, hollow out and bow down in devotion to the power of Her moving through you with the deepest surrender. Rest within the power of all of creation.
Welcome the Divine Masculine as holding the feminine in devotional presence, a container to meet the depths of you in love. Fall in love with the masculine as emptiness and silence, the presence that never leaves. Love and heal the woundings of mistrust between the masculine and feminine. Open into the creative power of the Inner Union of the Mature Masculine of focus, service, efficiency, clarity and the Mature Feminine of inspiration, creativity, wisdom, intuition, joy. This theme shall be woven throughout the journey.
Bring awareness and compassion to your projections and unconscious reactions in your intimate relating with self, other and life. Beneath the openings and closings, pushes and pulls and protection meet your vulnerability, deep feeling and tenderness with presence and love. Create an awake relationship with attraction and embody your sacred sexuality. Be in devotion to meeting yourself and intimate other in truth, wisdom and love. Embody love in relating and see the other as a gift to become more whole within yourself.
Surrender into the devotional sacredness of life connected to your divinity. Open into the grace of death, empty out and release the old ways you have created in the world. Let go of experience and rest in the nothingness, into the fertile ground of being, the blackness of the womb of creation. Listen finely within the subtlest new movements of pure life, from deep down within earth mother, connected to your divine essence, your soul, in devotion to why you are here, birthing love. Make love with the world.
Juliet Gaia Rose is the founder of Depths of Feminine Wisdom School and the Earth Oracle Council. Her gift is to guide women into the remembering of who they truly are and why they are here, through the awakening of the feminine in union with the masculine. Her offerings of love have touched over 3000 women across 5 continents.
Juliet’s primordial transmission awoke through immersing in nature and uniting with the Earth and the Sun. She has spent over thirteen thousand hours listening, feeling and sensing into the fine subtlety of the pure aliveness, potency, love, grace and wisdom of the feminine moving through her being. It was during this time that she received a clear message that she is here to support the birthing of the Feminine Divine into the world. Juliet has been dedicated to her path for many years with an intimate meeting with the Masculine Divine, the light of consciousness within her body, heart and head as truth, seeing, silence and presence in devotional love for the Feminine.
The Feminine continues to awaken more deeply through Juliet, with the willingness to embrace all of her humanity with love and presence. The Feminine transmits through Juliet's being with grace, wisdom, transformation, nourishment, love, truth and healing.
Juliet has been touched by profound beings on her healing and awakening journey and is in honor to those who have come before her.
Juliet was born on the tip of Africa where she spent most of her waking life. She has traveled internationally offering her body of work for some years. Juliet holds in-person retreats in America, South Africa and Europe. Through her Wisdom School she offers three layers of initiation for women on the embodied path of awakening and couples devoted to healing and awakening through their intimate relationships.
~ If you are sincerely called to this journey and would like to meet one-on-one, you are welcome to book a free 20 minute discovery call with Juliet ~
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